Vibrating at the Frequency of LOVE with Kim ~ Divine Warrior Goddess ~
Author ~ Ascension Guide, Spiritual Life Coach ~ Medical Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Healer ~

Signed in as:
Author ~ Ascension Guide, Spiritual Life Coach ~ Medical Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Healer ~
Welcome Beautiful Souls,
Here we honor you wherever you are on your ascension journey. We are here to ASSIST you in REMEMBERING on all levels to become EMPOWERED in your divinity! Feel free to stop by here anytime to see the latest articles or to explore our services and products that are here to help you raise your vibrational frequency and live the most magical magnificent life that you were meant to live. All meditations, activation's, sessions and energy work are light encoded activation's to activate the codes that are already held inside of you that are SO READY to WAKE UP!
There is nothing more important than your soul and it's GROWTH! Discover who you are and what your soul, higher self wants you to know. Your energy/vibration/frequency is EVERYTHING.
Your vibration determines who and what is drawn into your life. When people move away that is because you are no longer a vibrational match, it's that simple. Let us help you navigate the energies as we move from 3D to 5D and way beyond, to assist you understand how these energies affect your physical and emotional body.
Explore our products and services that will help you empower yourself to RAISE your vibration/frequency to help you “Step Into Your Power” and live a life filled with MAGIC, LOVE, PEACE, HAPPINESS and joy.
Take the Quantum Leap Today!!! "Step Into Your Power"!! Step forward in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN UNITY on a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL LEVEL on this NEW EARTH! Go forward in love and faith with your newfound service and love for all when you discover your true soul purpose! Let your LIGHT SHINE BRIGHT!!!
Love Blessings,
Kim ~ Divine Warrior Godde
Personalized one on one sessions that will include a combination of ascension guidance and energy work best suited for each individual including breaking down limiting beliefs and programs, cord cutting and chakra clearing and balancing, Personalized light encoded activation's/meditations may be included. These sessions may also assist you in all areas of your life as we learn to navigate ascension and learn to live as a multi-dimensional being of light. The Universal Consciousness flows through me to enable us to deliver messages and transformational energy from the universe to assist in remembering our true divinity as love. In the higher realms we do not cater to the ego including victim mentality so please do not book a session unless you are truly ready to let all of that go as we learn to truly be a sovereign being of the light.
Journey to Wholeness ~ Ignite Your Self- Mastery
Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper, Ascended Master of the NEW EARTH. She has studied, practiced and taught spirituality/metaphysics for twenty years and served as a co-founder and ordained minister of a spiritual church for many years. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. Kim no longer "channels" as she once did as we integrate all of our aspects we become those aspects within as all of the universe is held within. She offers private sessions by phone, Facebook Messenger and Zoom. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also teaches many classes to help her clients move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them through higher consciousness.
Ascension Guide / New Earth Emissary
Higher Consciousness Wayshower
Published Author
Energy Master
Ordained Minister
Reiki Master Teacher/ Master Usui Lineage/Energy Healer
Certified Fairyologist
Certified Assertiveness Coach
Certified Hypnotist
Certified Happiness Coach
Certified Life Coach
Kim blends all of her experience and qualifications to assist/teach/share in sessions, writings, videos and products. Her background in the medical field combined with mediumship and energy mastery assists her in understanding the physical vessel and describe/write about ascension for others understanding. She also shares regular energy updates on her Facebook page (Kim Semetis).
Always learning, through courses and through the unified field of higher consciousness that constantly flows through her, Kim lives with an open heart and open mind at all times.
By Appointment
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue our work as gridkeeper and gatekeeper for our New Earth as we assist in raising the Collective Consciousness for all with our many works made available free to all. Your generous donation is so greatly appreciated.
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